Wednesday 6 July 2022

Here's A Quick Way To Solve A Problem with TULSI PLANT

Vastu Rules For Watering Tulsi Plant: NEVER Do These Things While Offering Jal To Tulsi Vastu Rules for watering Tulsi plant: Tulsi plant is given great importance in Hinduism and it is like a god as Tulsi has been given the status of Goddess Lakshmi, the Goddess of wealth. Obviously, if there is any financial problem going on in your life, then worshipping the Tulsi plant in the form of Goddess Lakshmi and taking measures related to Tulsi will definitely benefit you. But before that, you need to know what are the main rules about Tulsi as mentioned in Vastu and Astrology. If you do not have a Tulsi plant in your house and you want to plant it in your house, then the best time to plant a Tulsi plant in the house is the month of Kartik. Tulsi is considered a form of Goddess Lakshmi and it is said that if you bring a Tulsi plant into the house and plant it in the month of Kartik, then Goddess Lakshmi also comes to the house. According to the scriptures, the Tulsi plant should be brought home on any Thursday of Kartik month.

Thursday is the day of Lord Vishnu and Tulsi in the form of Lord Vishnu is very dear to Lord Krishna. Apply Plantic Tulsidrop Tulsi Liquid Fertilizer faster and healthier growth of tulsi plant. According to Vastu Shastra, Tulsi plants should always be planted in the North or North-East direction of the house. It is said that deities reside in this direction. Tulsi plants can be planted on the balcony or window of the house. But the direction given in Vastu Shastra should be taken care of. Tulsi plants should not be planted in the south direction of the house even by mistake. This direction belongs to the Pitru and if you keep a Tulsi plant here, you may suffer a huge financial loss.

You can also plant Tulsi plants in the Northeast. Tulsi plants should never be planted at the entrance of the house or at any other place where garbage is kept or slippers are removed . There is a lot of confusion about offering vermilion to Tulsi, but according to Vastu Shastra, Tulsi plants can offer vermilion. Always keep the Tulsi plant in an earthen pot. If possible, write 'Shri Krishna' in a Tulsi vessel with lime or turmeric. And also try to use organic fertilizer instead of over watering . Tulsi plant represents the planet Mercury and this planet is considered to be the form of Lord Krishna. You can worship Tulsi regularly but it should not be touched in the evening. Apart from this, you should not touch Tulsi even during Ekadashi, Sunday, lunar, and solar eclipse days. Water should not be offered to Tulsi even on Sundays. Apart from offering water to Tulsi, raw milk can also be offered. It is believed that offering milk wards off bad luck. Tulsi plants should never be kept near the kitchen or bathroom. You can keep a Tulsi plant near the window of the Puja room. If you want to circumambulate Tulsi every day, then while offering water, circumambulate the Tulsi plant thrice. You have to first offer water to the Sun and then water to Tulsi. While offering water to Tulsi, you have to chant this mantra 'Mahaprasad Janani, Sarva Saubhagyavardhini Adhik Vyadhi Har Nityam, Tulsi Tvam Namostute.' You can keep Tulsi leaves with Lord Krishna for 15 days and when the leaves dry up you can take them as prasad. Usually, people give red Chunri to Tulsi, but it is the colour of Mars and Tulsi is the significator of Mercury. Mercury and Mars are not friends. The favourable planets of Mercury are Venus and Saturn. Therefore white, bright, blue Chunri should be offered to Tulsi ji. You should always have 1, 3, 5, or 7 Tulsi plants in your house. Tulsi plants should never be kept in these numbers 2, 4, 6. Tulsi plants should never be touched with unclean hands or dirty hands. By doing this, Maa Lakshmi can become very angry with you.

Saturday 11 June 2022

PLANT FOOD Is Bound To Make An Impact In Your Business

If you want lush healthy houseplants and garden growth but aren’t thrilled about paying for costly commercial foods with ingredients you can’t pronounce, you’re in luck! You can easily make your own plant food at home for a fraction of the price and—as a bonus—know exactly what goes into it.

All it takes to keep your favorite plant species robust and beautiful are three common ingredients that you’ll find at any supermarket for around $5 total (if you don’t already have them on hand). Because this recipe requires such small amounts and the ingredients last for months, your cost will literally be pennies per batch!

You may be surprised to learn that the following products possess the properties and nutrients plants need to thrive:

Epsom salt contains magnesium and sulfur, both of which are beneficial for plant growth. Sulfur helps plants absorb nutrients from the soil while magnesium increases the plant’s ability to produce chlorophyll, which is responsible for maintaining healthy green foliage.

Baking soda stimulates blooms in flowering plants and also reduces the risk of fungal isease. This is especially beneficial for potted houseplants, which are prone to mildew as a result of overwatering and limited air circulation.

Household ammonia contains nitrogen, a component that promotes healthy root growth. For plant food, be sure to use plain ammonia, free of other ingredients such as scent or cleaning additives. And remember, ammonia is toxic to people and pets, so be sure to label and store your homemade plant food accordingly.

Homemade Plant Food Tips and Tricks

No need to dilute your homemade plant food. It’s ready to go!

Use Plantic FruitDrop Liquid Fertilizer For Fruit Plants once every three to five weeks. During the dog days of winter, when plants grow more slowly, once every five weeks is sufficient. When plants show renewed growth in spring, increase feedings to once every three weeks.

Use the same amount of homemade liquid plant food as you would normally water indoor plants. For example, if you typically give your potted fern one cup of water, substitute one cup of homemade plant food, which will provide sufficient water and nutrients.

Pour homemade plant food around the base of the plant, rather than on its foliage. This is the best way for the roots to absorb all the nutrients.

You can use this homemade plant food as an all-purpose Organic fertilizer in an outdoor flower bed or garden. After regular watering, while the ground is still damp, pour two to three cups around the base of each plant once every three weeks during the growing season. Stop feeding outdoor plants in late fall, before they go dormant.

Sunday 15 May 2022

Here Is A Quick Cure For MONEY PLANT


Money plant care is not a major issue of concern as the tree mostly thrives in normal conditions. 

A well cared for plant can grow up to 12 feet, while an averagely cared tree can still grow up to 7 feet. 

Since it does not demand extensive or expert care, even beginners can easily take care of it. 

Although it does not require special care and attention, it is important that you know what are the ideal water, light and soil conditions for this plant, so that it grows to its full health.


The size of the pot would depend upon the size of the plant you wish to grow. 

For indoor houseplants, it is ideal to go for bonsai varieties.

Outdoor plants can be potted in the pots that are ideal for their size. 

In any case, you will have to re-pot them every two years, as the plant tends to grow fast.

Avoid planting the tree in a pot that is too small for it. This way you could constrict its growth.

It is always better to go for a pot that is a bit large for the size of the plant. 

This way you can avoid the hassle of repotting the plant too frequently.


Money plants prefer soil that allows better aeration and drainage. 

Mixing river sand with normal potting soil is a good way of ensuring good soil conditions for the plant. 

Alternatively, you can also go for potting soil with high pearlite content (the one used for cacti plantation). 

Money plants grow well in the soil that is only slightly moist.


Money plant flourishes when you water it adequately, but it can still thrive when you under water it. However, avoid over watering it under all circumstances. 

Water the plant once every 7 to 10 days during summer. It is essential to let the soil dry between two watering sessions. 

However, the interval between the two watering sessions shouldn’t be too much so that the soil dries up and begins to crack. 

While watering make sure, you are watering it to the extent that the soil becomes wet but not clogged with water. 

If the leaves curl up, be sure that you are adding too much water.

If they dry up and become listless, you are not watering it enough.  Instead of too much watering,  use Plantic Moneydrop Money Plant Liquid Fertilizer once in a week . 

Damp the foliage of the plant by misting them with a spray bottle. However, avoid this, if you have placed the plant in direct sunlight.


Money plants can grow well in direct sunlight as well as indoors, in low light. 

Alternate sunlight and shade is ideal for the plant’s growth. 

Although it can tolerate a high amount of sunlight, 

it is common sense not to place your plant in scorching sunlight during summer. 

You can easily burn it by doing so.

Fertilizer for Money Plant

The money plant is one of the most popular houseplants not only in India but everywhere.

These easy to maintain plants can work well in almost any type of Organic Fertilizers. However, 

it is always better to use natural fertilizers like rotted cow manure, compost, and chicken manure. If you are using chemical fertilizer, 

then a nitrate-based plant would be an ideal choice for the growth of this plant.

If you are using water or gel as a growing medium for your plant, then use a liquid-based fertilizer. 

You can also use a water-soluble fertilizer. Always follow the manufacturer’s recommendation at the label before the application.

Why Use a Fertilizer?

Money plants are slow-growing and take their time to grow.

But there are times when plants might be droopy with dull foliage, 

which can be due to the lack of certain minerals. Although the plants can prepare their food through the process of photosynthesis,

the fertilizers provide extra nutrients helpful in the production of enzymes, vitamins, compounds, and hormones that are essential for the growth of plants.

How To Apply a Fertilizer?

It is important to fertilize your money plants with the right kind of fertilizer.

It becomes even more necessary to fertilize container plants, as the plants keep on absorbing the nutrients of the potting soil and the rest of it drains each time you water it.

When using organic fertilizer, directly put it in the soil when potting the plant and keep providing them with the same doses later as well. 

If you are using a granular, nitrate-based fertilizer, mix directly in the soil. For liquid fertilizer, mix it with water and

 then use the solution when you water the plants as it quickly spreads throughout the soil.

Thursday 5 May 2022

Reasons You Should Fall In Love With Bonsai Plant.


Many people think bonsais are Japanese because the word ‘’Bon-sai’’ (some people might call it ‘bonzai’) comes from the Japanese language. However, if we are talking about the trees, then did you know that the art behind them is Chinese?

Yes, it was during the Chinese Empire that this art became known. It was approximately during the year 700 AD, that the Chinese started to use unusual and unique techniques that would allow them to grow variants of regular trees and make them dwarf trees by placing them in containers

If you are, then you should get a bonsai that is easier to maintain; this way, you will start seeing how they behave, how they grow, and how you get on with them.

You will also need to consider the type of climate you live in. Is your area very hot or very cold? This will determine the kind of bonsai you should get.

Lastly, you must look at all of the options and be true to your budget. Some bonsai trees are costly and require a lot of maintenance. 

Therefore it is advisable to purchase a relatively affordable bonsai with little or no maintenance if you are a complete beginner, this way, you will fully take advantage of growing it on your own.

When I was young, I had always thought that Bonsai was a certain type of tree that, through genetics, remained small while still resembling a larger mature tree. As I progressed through life, I learned more and more about what bonsai is and what it takes to create it. And I have grown more interested and fascinated by the art form with the passing of every year. The word bonsai is a Japanese expression that literally translates to “tray planting.” The name may seem mundane, but the true beauty and joy behind the idea of bonsai is found in trying and attempting to perfect the craft. Bonsai is the art of growing certain trees and shrubs, of many varieties, in small, shallow containers. It is through careful and precise training and pruning, that the plant is slowly shaped and manipulated to give the appearance of an older, mature tree. The tree takes on a shape that is more in tune with how a tree would look growing out in nature. Training a growing tree or shrub into a desired shape over several years takes calm patience, with every aspect being well thought out and every action precise and deliberate.

Several species of plants are suitable for growing in the bonsai fashion, including citrus trees, jade plants, many fig trees, some pine trees, juniper trees and even culinary herbs such as rosemary and basil, just to name a few. The plants can be obtained in several ways. Most can be started from seed or cloned by rooting cuttings from a growing plant (not the easiest routes). Experienced bonsai growers will often buy young plants from a nursery grower. These trees or shrubs will still have their young natural look, allowing the grower to take complete creative control over the subject and to train or prune it however they feel fit. However, for the beginner bonsai enthusiast, it may be easiest to purchase a “pre-started” plant from a reputable bonsai purveyor. These plants are usually moderately trained or trimmed and may come in a bonsai style pot, often adorned with rocks or little Japanese figurines that add to the overall aesthetic value of the bonsai tree also add some drop of Plantic BonsaiDrop Liquid Fertilizer For Bonsai Plants for better growth of plant. Pre-started bonsai plants are a great way to begin learning bonsai. Although the plants are already pruned and slightly trained, the grower can still create any unique shape desired as it grows. And the fact that the plant has already been introduced to its future bonsai destiny helps to serve as an excellent starting point for any aspiring bonsai grower.

After choosing which plant to grow as bonsai, the next step to take as a grower is to decide which training style the plant will be grown in. Bonsai growers incorporate a wide array of widely recognized shaping and training styles. One popular style is the upright style, where the trunk is the main focal point with branches growing out from the left and right sides, usually alternating and the cascade style. This is a style in which the grower carefully shapes the tree so that it cascades out of the pot and gently down towards the ground. There are several styles to choose from, each with their own unique qualities, and a grower will surely benefit from properly researching which styles work well for the particular type of plant being grown.

Another important aspect of bonsai is choosing the proper container to grow in. In keeping with true bonsai tradition, the container should be relatively wide and shallow in relation to the plant. This gives the plant the appearance of growing in a natural setting and also allows the grower to position the roots in a way that is expressive and visually appealing. Think about the roots of a mature tree in nature. They are often exposed near the trunk due to soil erosion. This gives natural growing trees a unique appearance, which is something bonsai growers strive to achieve. The container should be big enough to allow adequate root growth and, as the tree grows, should be replaced with a larger one when needed. The shape and design of a container can really add to the overall feel and look of a bonsai plant, so the choice of container should not be taken lightly.

Plants grown as bonsai can tolerate many different types of growing mediums, so it is important to research the ideal soil type for the particular plant being grown. Some potting mix companies carry a general-purpose bonsai mix as part of their line. I have tried a couple and have been happy with the results thus far. If the grower decides to create a custom mix there are a few aspects to keep in mind. The mix, in most cases, should have fairly good water holding capacities. Organic fertilizer like coco-coir and compost can assist in creating a mix that retains water and nutrients so they can be available to the plant when needed. However, a mix that holds water too well can lead to a root zone that is over-saturated with water and lacking in oxygen, resulting in poor root growth and possible plant death. This is why it is important to have proper drainage working in harmony with ample water retention. Adding inert ingredients such as fired clay particles, perlite, coarse sand or small lava rock can help the custom mix achieve proper drainage capabilities. As a general rule, bonsai plants should be repotted or have their soils changed and roots trimmed every two years for optimal growth.

When it comes to watering and fertilizing bonsai, it is once again of high importance to research the individual water and fertilizer requirements of the type of plant being grown, as the needs can vary drastically from plant to plant. Like most container plantings, it is best to use an alternative to tap water for regular watering. Purified water, such as RO (reverse osmosis) water, is a great choice; but rainwater, if available, is perhaps the best. Bonsai can be fertilized organically, but it is important to remember that it will take time for organic materials to break down before the nutrients are available. So, it may be wise to inoculate with microorganisms in advance to help speed up the process. Inorganics or synthetic fertilizer should be used at half strength since the containers in bonsai are so small and residual mineral salts can tend to accumulate. Granular, slow-release fertilizers are also an effective choice, but the grower needs to be careful to not use too high of a dosage.

Proper “training” of the skeletal structure, where the overall bonsai shape begins, is manipulated with the use of wires into desired positions. When using wire for branch training, first start by wrapping the wire around and up the trunk like a snake. Start below the desired branch to be trained and lead the wire onto or around the branch. Once the branch is wrapped in wire it can then be bent into a position where it will stay. 

After some time, the bark on the branch will grow woodier and the wire can be removed with the branch remaining in the intended position. The rest of the shape of the bonsai tree is created through precise pruning of the smaller branches. During the growing season, smaller branches can be trimmed with pruning scissors or, with softer, newer growth, even the grower’s finger nails. It is usually recommended to trim the branch and not the leaves. Careful, dedicated pruning will help develop and refine the shape of the bonsai tree.

Most bonsai plants can be grown both indoors and outdoors, given the time of year as well as the type of plant. Often, when growing indoors, a sunny window will be sufficient for light requirements. But, at times, a fluorescent T5 light may be needed, unless the bonsai variety is one that is flowering/fruiting. For these, a different spectrum bulb may be necessary, such as an HPS (high pressure sodium) light. When growing bonsai indoors, the grower should do their best to mimic and recreate the natural environment that the plant is acclimated to. Doing so will help the plant achieve optimal growth.

Friday 4 March 2022

Simple Guidance For You In Organic Fertilizer


Fertilizer for organic gardening isn’t the quick and instant fix that chemical fertilizers can be. With organics, you have to let moisture and beneficial organisms break down the content of the fertilizer material in order for the plants to get the nutrients inside. 

In general, half of the nutrients in an organic fertilizer ingredient can be used the first year it is applied, and the rest of it is slowly released in the years to come, feeding and conditioning the soil. 

Different Types of Organic Fertilizer for the Garden What is the best organic fertilizer to use? 

There are a number of organic fertilizers from which to choose. There may be all-purpose chemical fertilizers, but this doesn’t exist in the organic side of gardening.

Different organic fertilizers add different nutrients and ingredients to the soil. The materials you need depend completely on your soil and the plants you are growing in the garden. Plant-based fertilizers Plant-based fertilizers break down quicker than other organics, but they generally offer more in the way of soil conditioning than actual nutrients. 

These materials, such as alfalfa meal or compost, help to add drainage and moisture retention to poor soils. Other plant-based fertilizers include: Cottonseed meal Molasses Legume cover crops Green manure cover crops Kelp seaweed Compost tea Animal-based fertilizers Animal-based fertilizers, such as manure, bone meal, or blood meal, add lots of nitrogen to the soil. They’re great for leafy plants and strong growth in the early weeks of gardening. Additional animal-based fertilizers for the garden include: Fish emulsion Milk Urea (urine) Manure tea Mineral-based fertilizers Mineral-based fertilizers can add nutrients to the soil, as well as raising or lowering the pH level when needed for healthy plant growth. Some of these types of organic fertilizer are: Calcium Epsom salt (magnesium and sulfur)

Garden fertilizer basics

Fertilizers are any naturally or chemically derived material containing the nutrients essential for plant growth. They are available in the form of manures, compost, and granular or liquid amendments. Most often we apply them to a plant’s root system or as a foliar spray.

To the new gardener, a stroll through the fertilizer aisle can be a very confusing exercise triggering memories of chemistry class. 

When you buy fertilizer, you’ll see the ratio of three macro nutrients—nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium(K)—listed on the container in bold numbers. These numbers tell you the combination in percentages of N, P, and K in the fertilizer blend. Educate yourself and take heed: not all fertilizers are created equal and feeding your plants with fertilizers does not guarantee a successful crop.

Types of Organic Fertilizer

Dry organic fertilizers can consist of a single material, such as rock phosphate or kelp (a type of nutrient-rich seaweed), or they can be a blend of many ingredients. Almost all organic fertilizers provide a broad array of nutrients, but blends are specially formulated to provide balanced amounts of nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus, as well as micro nutrients. 

The most common way to apply dry fertilizer is to broadcast it and then hoe or rake it into the top 4 to 6 inches of soil. You can add small amounts to planting holes or rows as you plant seeds or transplants. 

Unlike dry synthetic fertilizers, most organic fertilizers are non burning and will not harm delicate seedling roots. During the growing season, boost plant growth by side-dressing dry fertilizers in crop rows or around the drip line of trees or shrubs. It’s best to work side-dressings into the top inch of the soil.

Tuesday 4 May 2021

Vegetable Growing Season Chart India

At the point when the cold breezes of Winter evanesce, the blossoms of delicious mango starts sprouting and Earth invites the Summer happily. At the point when the searing sun gets dry all the grain, Rain restores the fruitless land and re-hydrates the water repositories. As the climate changes across the globe, each season gets plenty of blessings the type of fruits, vegetables and cereals to the humanity. Each Season is a bunch of assortments of fruits and vegetables with diverse supplements, hearty scent and unpretentious relish. The beginning of another season furnishes freedom to do tries different things with culinary dishes, attempting new plans.


Characterizing vegetables as per the season is an Ancient Indian Practice. Ritucharya is an idea of eating occasionally referenced in Ayurveda. Going from Vasant Ritu (Spring) to Sharad Ritu (Winter), it momentarily depicts what to eat during each season to hold wellbeing and balance infections. The planting plan for Indian harvests relies on the climate that the vegetable can best endure.


An occasional vegetable amazes your taste challis as well as there are bounty medical advantages. For example,


Utterly Delicious-


This fresher occasional produce tastes obviously superior to an unavailable dull, flavorless and less succulent vegetable.


Satisfies the body's regular nourishing necessities:


Vegetables filled in suitable season are all the more healthfully thick. In winter, citrus fruits and vegetables are found in plenitude. These are especially high in "nutrient C", a cell reinforcement answerable for boosting invulnerability. It is the obvious certainty that safe framework is more vulnerable during winter. Though summer fruits and vegetables are rich wellspring of beta carotene and different carotenoids that gives us a safeguard against sun harm.


Vegetable Growing Season Chart

As a Home grounds-keeper, Do you need to eat occasionally however confound about what and when to develop? At that point pick a correct vegetable for the correct season according to the vegetable growing timetable. Develop your food occasionally at home to get nutritious and pesticides free produce.


Top vegetable to fill in the home garden in India:




Brinjal, Bitter Gourd, Bottle Gourd, Capsicum, Cucumber, Okra, Radish, Tomato, Pumpkin, Melon




Applegourd, Bittergourd, Bottle Gourd, Cucumber, French Beans, Okra, Sponge Gourd, Watermelon, Spinach, Capsicum, Okra, Tomato, Pumpkin




Applegourd, Bittergourd, Bottle Gourd, Cucumber, French Beans, Okra, Sponge Gourd, Watermelon, Spinach, Onion, Pumpkin




Capsicum, Onion




Onion, Pepper, Brinjal, Capsicum, Okra, Pumpkin




All Gourds, Brinjal, Cucumber, Cauliflower, Okra, Onion, Sem, Tomato, Pepper, Cabbage, Capsicum, Pumpkin, Melon




All Gourds, Cucumber, Okra, Sem, Tomato, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Pumpkin, Melon




Carrot, Cauliflower, Radish, Tomato, Broccoli




Cabbage, Carrot, Cauliflower, Peas, Radish, Tomato, Lettuce, Broccoli, Cucumber, Onion, Spinach, Pumpkin, Corn




Beet root, Brinjal, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Lettuce, Peas, Radish, Spinach, Turnip, Capsicum, Carrot, Cucumber, Okra, Onion, Tomato, Potato, Pumpkin, Corn, Melon




Turnip, Tomato, Radish, Pepper, Peas, Beet Root, Bitter Gourd, Bottle Gourd, Cabbage, Capsicum, Carrot, Okra, Spinach, Potato, Pumpkin, Corn, Melon




Tomato, Bitter Gourd, Bottle Gourd, Cucumber, Lettuce, Okra, Radish, Potato, Pumpkin, Melon


Devouring all the more new fruits and vegetables acquired from your home garden is quite possibly the most significant and simplest things you can do to remain sound. At the point when you pluck vegetables directly from your home nursery and serve in your plates, the healthful substance will be sufficient. Develop your food occasionally at home to get nutritious and pesticides free produce.


Also read Vegetable Growing Season Chart India in details provided by Plantic.


Here's A Quick Way To Solve A Problem with TULSI PLANT

Vastu Rules For Watering Tulsi Plant: NEVER Do These Things While Offering Jal To Tulsi Vastu Rules for watering Tulsi plant: Tulsi plant ...